2016. május 30., hétfő

2016. május 26., csütörtök

Graham Fenton and the Jungle Tigers feat. Riki - Gunning for the Dog

This song is very special, because nect to Graham Fenton and his actual band, the Jungle Tigers there is a young talented Hungarian guitar player, called Riki. Together they played the song Gunning for the Dog.

2016. május 25., szerda

Metal Daze - We're Not Gonna Take It

For today you got the grandchild of Rock and Roll. The Hungarian cover band called Metal Daze will play for you the song We're Not Gonna Take It. Yes, you will! :)

2016. május 24., kedd

2016. május 23., hétfő

2016. május 20., péntek

2016. május 19., csütörtök

2016. május 18., szerda

Fog/Doc Band - Let Me Put

Today there will be something special. The main profile of the Fog/Doc Band is AC/DC songs. Today they will perform the Let Me Put from the N.A.AF (National American Car Meeting), Komárom, Hungary.

2016. május 17., kedd

2016. május 16., hétfő

Best 16: Naked Truckers - Surfin' Bird

The Naked Truckers is a young band for young people. They play Rock and Roll, but aligned to the modern trends. They play also suf songs, like the Surfin' Bird.

2016. május 13., péntek

Best 16: B'15 feat. Nitus - Truck Drivin' Man

Nitus played the song Truck Drivin' Man with her original band the Rollin Dice. The band not exists any more but sometimes she plays together with the B'15s. They also covered this song and play together with Nitus, just like in 2015 on the famous Rock and Roll Festival, the Lakeside Weekend.

2016. május 12., csütörtök

Skinny Dogs - Hey Joe

The spanish band called Skinny Dogs will play us today a slow version of the famous song Hey Joe. They played in the Thundercatclub in Madrid.

2016. május 11., szerda

Boka és a Klikk - Sweet Home Chicago

Let's talk about blues. Although the main profile of the band Boka és a Klikk is Rock and Roll sometimes they are in the right mood for blues. In this case they play the song Sweet Home Chicago.

2016. május 9., hétfő

Best 16: Dynamite Dudes - Faith

The Dynamite Dudes steps out the regular limits of  Rock and Roll. Have you ever imagined that the song Faith can be played in rockabilly style? :)

2016. május 6., péntek

Best 16: Pedrofon - You Drive Me Crazy

No, this version of You Drive Me Crazy is not THAT song. This is not a bubblegum pop song, but a true Rock and Roll. And there is no doppelganger of Britney Spears in the band Pedrofon. :)
Pedro, the leader of the band so far personalized so many musicians (from Elvis to Freddy Mercury), but this could be too much even for him. :)

2016. május 5., csütörtök

The Cruisers - Four Seasons Medley

The Cruisers is a boy group in Universal Studios Singapore. They entertain the audience with songs from the early 60'. One of the is the Four Seasons Medley. Enjoy!

2016. május 4., szerda

2016. május 3., kedd

2016. május 2., hétfő